RINHS Lecture Series

The Rhode Island Natural History Survey is a consortium of organizations and individuals seeking to further knowledge and understanding of Rhode Island's biota, geology, and ecosystems. On their board are representatives from federal and state agencies, academic institutions, NGOs, professional organizations, and private companies. They serve as the umbrella organization for ecological information in Rhode Island.

The RINHS Lecture Series on Rhode Island's Fauna, Flora, Geology, and Ecosystems was begun in 1995, to provide science education to professionals and the Rhode Island public. Four lectures are given each year. In July 1999, the lecture series was renamed the "Mark D. Gould Memorial Lecture Series on Rhode Island's Fauna, Flora, Geology, and Ecosystems," in memory of Mark Gould, a founding member of the RINHS. All lectures are free and open to the public; no registration is required.
The first lecture will be on Thursday Sept. 19 2002 at 7:30 pm in the Weaver Auditorium at the Coastal Institute at URI. The speaker is Peter Schulz a Brown University professor and the director of the Rhode Island Space Grant Program. The subject is Cosmic Catastrophes in Argentina: What's Next? The lecture is free and open to the public (with free refreshments at 7 pm!) All of this follows the annual meeting of RINHS at 5:30 pm.
To find out more about becoming a member of RINHS, or the many other events they sponsor, visit their website or give them a call (401) 874-5800.
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