If you are hankering to hang 10, but don't feel up to making the trek to the beach, you should check out the cityside skate park in Downtown's Fleet Skating Center, an obstacle filled arena where you can practice 360's, Ollie's, Kickflip's, Endover's, and other cool tricks.
The cost is not so bad--$25 for the season if you are a Providence resident, $30 if not (to become a member) and then it's between $6-$12 per session The Park is open 10 am -8 pm Mon-Thurs, 10-10 Fri and Sat, and 12-6 on Sundays. They allow boards, blades, BMX, and Scooters (but BMX and Scooters are at separate times - Tuesday & Thursday only!)
Helmets are absolutely required, and can be rented.
To find out more, Visit the website or call 401-331-5544
To find out how to do some cool skateboarding tricks, look here!
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