Remembering the Tragedy on Your Body

As part of a way to let the healing and memorialization process begin, Electric Ink Tattoo of Providence has been giving out discounts on tattoos that memorialized the station fire. I think it's a great and unique idea.
I'm not a tattoo man particularly myself (although plenty of friends of mine have got ink) but a major appeal of tattooing is to mark moments and rites of passage on your body in a permanent fashion. Considering the tragedy, the rock and roll aspect, and the need to somehow mark the passing, what could be more appropriate?
I should put the age appropriate warnings here-- if you are under 18, you shouldn't get tattooed. (It's illegal!) Tattoos are permanent, etc, and you should think long and hard before you mark your body in this way. That being said, if it's for you, you should do it!
I'm not sure if the discount still holds, but if this is something that you'd like to mark, it couldn't hurt to ask.
Read The Electric Ink FAQ to find out more about the studio, or give them a call at (401)435-3393. (you can also Visit their website

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