AS220, Providence's alternative Arts Space

AS220, Providence's alternative Arts Space
Every summer, AS220 goes on a month long vacation, and there seems to be a hole in Providence's cultural scene. Downtown seems a little deader, and where to go for lunch is just not as clear.
Well, I'm glad to report that AS220 is back from vacation, bright-eyed, well rested, and ready to bring you the art, music, and sandwiches that you've grown to expect.
They've got an Open House on Thursday, so you can check out what's going on on Empire Street then. Here are some other happenings this week:
Wednesday, September 4, 2002
6:30pm Silkscreen Workshop
Learn the basics of screenprinting with water-based acrylic ink. Free
8pm The Performance Den
The folks organizing the Performance Den call it "the hot spot for any artist: poets, singers, dancers, actors, visual artists etc." $7/$10 for 2
Thursday, September 5, 2002
5pm Open House
Take a tour of AS220 and learn what makes us tick. Free
8pm Poetry Slam
Glorious performance poetry. A slamboyant display of slambitious verbiage. Love it or hate it, you won't be slambivalent. $5
Friday, September 6, 2002
10pm Drop Dead, Puppet Frenzy
Providence's premier hardcore act, and the hot puppet action of Xander Marro and Leif Goldberg. $6
Saturday, September 7, 2002
10pm Plymouth Rock
The loneliest band in Providence celebrates itself, and maybe a new CD too. $5
Sunday, September 8, 2002
9pm Naftule's Dream
Two sets of klezmerific adventure. $5
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