Green Building Workshop
Saturday, November 9th, 2002 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Urban Environmental Lab, room 106
Brown University Providence, RI
Sponsored by The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA)
Please note: Registration is limited to 45 people for this workshop.
Registration is $85 or $60 for NESEA members. You must pre-register. Call 413-774-6051 for registration information or visit NESEA online

Join Bob Chew, from RemodelWrights, Corp. and SolarWrights, Inc. for an introductory course on the topic of Green Building. Both new construction and renovations will be covered. Learn what homeowners can do with existing structures to lower their environmental impact using state of the art options such as photovoltaics or solar hot water. This workshop will cover both the "nuts and bolts" of construction as well as place building into the larger context of sustainability. Bring your questions and a set of house plans or just sign up for a day guaranteed to enlighten and inform.
Topics will include:
* Siting and orientation of new construction
* Green building materials
* Building simple
* Durability
* Reducing your environmental footprint
* Energy Usage
* Renewable Energy systems
Robert Chew is president of RemodelWrights, Corp. and SolarWrights, Inc. of Barrington. He will be joined by an impressive panel of experts in the field of residential construction including Pat Congdon of the RI State Energy Office, Erich Stephens of People's Power & Light, Ned Reynolds from Conservation Services Group, and Rick Arnold of Insulated Concrete Forms of New England. Handouts will be available for attendees.
For more information, visit Chew's website at