Thursday, August 22, 2002


Actors from the WhoDunnit Murder Mystery Theater will pose as famous detectives as they circulate among the audience at an eight-hour Mystery Cabaret Open House on Sunday at the Radisson Airport Hotel, on Post Road in Warwick.

The event, a benefit for the Multiple Sclerosis Society, will also include music, two-minute mystery performances and other activities.

The cabaret will feature music from the '30s through the '90s, as well as audience sing-alongs and an open-mike session.

WhoDunnit is a troupe of actors who perform interactive murder mysteries at restaurants and hotels throughout New England.

The event will be held from 3 to 11 p.m. at the Radisson, 2081 Post Rd., Warwick. The public is invited to drop in or to stay for the entire event.

Tickets are $10 at the door, or $8 in advance. For tickets or more information, call 580-1668 or email them at

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